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Sechium edule



A member of the Curcurbitacae family (cucumbers/squash)

Cultivated by the Aztecs and Mayans the Chokko is native to Central America.

A plant of many names:  Chayote, Vegetable Pear, Mango Squash, Mirliton or Merleton (Creole), Sayote (Philipines) Chistophene or Christopine, Cho-cho, Chchu (Brazil) Centinarko (Malta), Pear Squash, Chauchoute, Pininola, Güisquil (El Salvador)


Perennial plant, with die back in winter but re-sprout in spring.  However the vine can grow up to 12 metres so choose a spot carefully

Incredibly easy to grow.  Plant an entire fruit when it forms a shoot.

As a vine will require a fence or some structure to grow up.

Plant at 4 metres apart in a slightly acid soil.

Harvest fruit while skin is still tender.  cut from vine.  Fruit can bruise easily so care should be taken.

Storing harvested Choko:  Will keep in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Can be diced and frozen or canned

Seed Saving:  Save an entire fruit for resprouting.


Does not require any special attention.  Cut back after fruiting and mulch well over winter.

Fun Facts

And excellent source of vitamin C and E, folate, pantothenic acid and amino acids

A whole fruit, roughly 200 grams, has only 38.6 calories and 0.1 grams of fat.

Every part of the plant is edible:  leaves, shoots, fruit and root.

Can be eaten raw in salads, cooked, stuffed and roasted, in stirfry.  Tubers can be cooked and eaten like yams or potatoes.

Largest source of choko or chayote is Central America (Costa Rica, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Guatemala)


Aphids – plant wilts, leaves puckered and distorted. Insects under leaves or on new growth. Water regularly in dry weather.