The Lupins we planted as a green crop have been ready to chop down for awhile to prepare the ground for planting garlic and potato onions. Usually I would recommend cutting Lupins before they flower. Anyway today was the day.
First I used hedge clippers to chop them down to short stalks. This works fine for a small plot,a larger area would probably require a weedeater or scyth. Next I mixed up a slurry of horse manure and worm wee in a bucket of water and threw this around on top. Quantities don’t really matter for this. You could also add comfrey or seaweed. The idea is it will help provide some extra nitrogen and /or microorganisms to help with the breakdown of the stalky material. And thats it…easy. In 6-8 weeks (less in summer) we should have a beautiful rich mulchy layer with moist easy to work and well fed soil underneath for planting.